Thursday, April 06, 2006

Please me? Please u? Please who...?

Many ppl in my matter who they are..a passerby,a good fren, best fren, hi-bye fren, those who help me, those who fail me.... one thing they are in common, they've taught me. Taught me many things in life, i see things.. bad,good,warmth,cold, and i experienced them my own. Life has no meaning without these ppl. They hv their roles. some make me fall hard, the others help me up, support me till i stand up firm again.

Each one of them, has their own stories.... They shared with me, we cried,we mourned, and we gone thru it together. and i learnt from their stories.
I used to make knots in my head...a lot of complicated knots.. hard to untie it sumtimes....they make things clear in me.. help me bring back my sense, my feeling, my rational thinking. Though most of the time..feeling for me are nvr in-line with rational. But i thank them for taking me out.

After all these years, i've noe the right path to choose. People fail me and i noe i should giv up the old way, should no longer be stuborn to protest it...coz i can see... it does not worth a single cent. All that i am gonna do to stick to the right one now. It's jst like seeing a dim light in the dark...and it becomes brighter and brighter until it fills u... ur life~

Throunghout my life...i hv been pleasing ppl....pleasing all the one whom i care, whom i dunwan to find fault with, whom i hv responisble to, whom ... whom... even a stranger tat i would please. I would nvr say 'No' to ppl. It is jst a sicking trait that i actually need approval, affiliation and feeling of belongingness from all these ppl.
WHY? why must i? why must i do all this to please ppl in the other hand might hurt myself so much? or simply jst not doin wat i want or feel like? or even contradict to my conscience and belief? No...i am saying NO ... no more like that... jst.. no more..
i will want to speak out when things are going over my limit. when the time i couldn't endure anymore. when it is jst out of control.
I am sorry ..but i jst can't take it anymore... i hv my own requirement..why should i please all of u and i get nth but wound, scar?????

The only person i would please with whole heart and with no condition, are my parent and GOD. They gave us our lives, they are the guidance for us. They would nvr hurt us, they love us unconditionally. My parent gave me eevrything that i need and want, i won't be having such a colorful life without them. and GOD is with me all the time giving me strength and guidance. and THEY would be the person that i wish to please. In doin every decision... their decision would be mine. i wont allow myself to do anything disgraceful and harm their name n reputation.
This is all that i'll do.

As for the rest, i will still love them with all my heart.
but i am here to learn to loosen my knot. so it will be easier to let go, to 'dun mind' and thus lower the frequency of mood swinging. ;)

talking abt that...really wanna thank my frenzz for enduring my frequent mood swinging recently.still sayang me as usual... i really appreciate that.. will do my best to control it..this is a promise.

I love you all~ and may peace be with you~


At 10:41 PM, Blogger Any Issues? said...

dear lin lin,

muakz muakz muakz.. how sweet~ take care yah.. dun emo so much wor.. emo emo will spread like a desease wan larr.. =P

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The malay pig have drawn up a plan to displace all non-malays. They are discriminating against all non-malays. More and more non-malays are leaving.

You know why he/she need to leave……….? It is all because of those idiots who voted for the pig government to chase those talents out of this country.

This scenario would stay.

They would prefer to remain backward, so long as they are in control over you and me. I think they enjoy seeing non-malays 'begging' all the time.

Even though they are left far behind Korea, Taiwan and now Thailand is coming up strong. To them these are not competitors. In their narrow mind, the 'enemies' are local non-malays. Must suppress, by all means.

All malay pig are programmed to be promoted much faster ahead of non-malays the moment they join University Malaya. Soon University Malaya will be dominated by malay pig and the ranking will slip further.

Most of the malay pig in Malaysia cannot think clearly, their mind and thinking are clouded by such things as comfort zone, frog-in-a-well syndrome, ignorance, racial pride, stubbornness, etc.

At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This malay pig race is so stupid, that they'd never amount to anything in this world.

This message board has been here for awhile, and if anyone goes back, there is no one message, that talks good about this stupid malay pig race, because everybody knows how stupid, and hateful this malay pig race is all about.

The malay pig will crumble from internal weaknesses and disappear in era of need for others to colonize them.

Because malay pig like to be parasites and feed on the Chinese's income tax!

Wait until the malay pig population increase to 90% in Malaysia, the same ratio as in Indonesia, then you will know the meaning of poor, as there will be too many malay pig to subsidize.

Then the economy collapse.

The malay pig are actually digging their own grave and they are trying to dig a deeper and bigger one now..........

But all of them I have to see are being manipulated by certain top malay politicians so they will support them........

There show that the general malay pig are quite stupid and can't think outside the box……….

Only 1% of the malay pig can make it and they are the exception. If malay pig are not stupid, what are they?

If all malay pig jump into sea and all die!

This world will become very very beautiful.

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask all malay pig go back to Indonesia.

The malay pig make Malaysia become rubbish country. Without malay pig in Malaysia - Malaysia country will become same as Singapore or Taiwan.

Where malay pig came from? Indonesia? Arab? Africa? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.

What is wrong with the babiputras? Highest crime rates, highest divorce rates, highest number of criminals, highest number of drug users, highest number of rapists.

A genetically flawed race (babiputras) cannot be fixed by politically.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay pig to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

It makes no difference whether I am a Chinese, Indian or for that matter, anyone else, even a Mat Salleh. I am speaking as a human being to a malay pig like you.

If you malay pig don't like the non-malays here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from, and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli.

If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malay pig taking the east, and the west to the Chinese and the Indians - watch that the malay pig starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.

It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia.

You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay pig are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!

Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malay pig. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malay pig from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia.


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